Sunday, March 29, 2009

Affluence and empathy

Affluence and empathy are not inversely proportional. Jawaharlal Nehru was affluent and so was Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi. This perhaps hightened their sense of empathy towards the poor in India and strengthened their resolve to work towards their upliftment.

Maybe there is also a higher probability that affluent people join politics with the right motivations. In my case, my relative affluence has allowed me an excellent education and the option to choose any field of work. My choice of career, of trying to revitalise the heritage of the old city of Ahmedabad, was possible only because I enjoyed financial security. If I get a broader platform through Lead India, I can expand my scope of rebuilding the crumbling infrastructure and disappearing heritage of not only the historic old city of Ahmedabad but of other cities as well and in the process, make a small contribution to the lower middle class and poor people who reside in them.

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