Thursday, February 5, 2009

Life is a comma

Modern Times
By Bhrahma
Life is a comma

Wow! The last two weeks went by really fast. So many things happening every day!
Vish, if I asked you the difference between what you did in the last two weeks from what you did the previous two weeks or the two weeks before that, what would you say?
Hmm. Lets see! Well…. I guess it’s a continuation of a process that goes on day to day. I can’t really say that anything I am doing is drastically different from how I spent my time before! Maybe 10% of it changes, but the other 90% remains more or less the same.
Exactly. Think of each day as a comma, each week as a sentence, each month as a page and each year as a chapter… in the book of our life. We spend each day, doggedly making our way through the metaphoric punctuations, albeit with an acute sense of self-importance.
Bhrahm, your analogy reminds me about the story of the pigmy cutting his way through thick jungle grass with a machete – he thinks he is in a large field and the only way he can get through is to cut through it. He is too short to see over the top to look for a clearer path that could be just a short way away and too much in a hurry stop and climb a tree to check the terrain for a better route.
That’s pretty much the story of my life, Vish! Just when I think I have made fair progress and pause to glance back, I realize that in the larger context, it’s not just my day that’s a comma, but my entire existence is! If we look at history, only the characters and context seem to change, the story remains the same and it keeps repeating. Today’s War against Terror in Afghanistan was yesterday’s War against Communism in Vietnam. Tomorrow, it will just take another name.
Thanks for making me feel like the pigmy guy, pal!
Think of it as a humbling reality that frees you of the burden of rushing through the chapters. Unfortunately, most of us don’t pause, either often enough or long enough, and end up wasting more chapters ‘chopping through grass’, like the pigmy.
Dude, you are beginning to depress me! Do you mean to tell me you are wasting your time everyday!
Not all of it! I know that if I stepped back more often for an overview of the larger picture, I would waste less time and life would seem more meaningful.
So what stops you?
Oh! just lack of applcation. Like many of us, I too tend lead a robotic existance.
Gosh, how long do you think before man evolves to the next level?
I cannot forsecast a Darwinian answer but if I were to take a guess, the next big step will be when human’s get cloned. That has to be the final chapter - when man can challenge the supreme power and fight the Mother of all Wars!

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