Thursday, February 5, 2009

Who wins if India loses…a conspiracy theory!

Modern TimesBy Abhay Mangaldas
Who wins if India loses…a conspiracy theory!
Hey Bhrahm, good to see you again, it's been a while! What's up?
Hi Vish, I am still a bit shell-shocked! What with the riots, the scams, the terrorist attacks, the nuke scare…life has been dodgy, you have to admit! It makes one think, what next?! I am beginning to look at things from a different perspective.
Like how?
Who do you think has the highest vested interest to keep India on its knees?
Why Pakistan, of course!
What can Pakistan gain, except Kashmir? Both countries need to focus on Economic development and education, which they can do if they divert less money towards defense.
Then who?
Give me a break! Why would China want to waste time bothering about India, we are a mosquito in comparison.
Don't be dazzled by the gleam of their superficial success. While privatised companies in China may be thriving, they have a growing problem of unemployment and unrest in the public sector, their socialist legacy. You can't expect a socialist country with 1.4 billion people, who for years have had all their basic necessities provided for by the state, take on the avatar of capitalism without going through the labour pains of transition? Look at the latest Time magazine cover story and you'll know what I mean. Millions of unemployed, growing disillusionment amongst the masses, threat of a civil uprising…all potent stuff!
But how would keeping India unstable solve their problem?
Direct Foreign Investment. China gets over $40 Billion of it a year, against India's $3 Billion. The only way that China can keep its loss making public sector chugging along during the transition is by subsidizing it with a bigger share of foreign investment. If the rate of inflow goes down, the bubble would burst! It has must, therefore, project itself as the ONLY safe destination for foreign investments in this region till the transition is complete, which may take five to ten more years.
How will they do this?
Do you think Pakistan has the guts to provoke and challenge India without the tacit support of China, who also happens to be its main supplier of military and nuclear technology? Forget foreign investment, even the foreign diplomatic missions in India have closed down under the latest threat of Nuclear War! The Chinese must be laughing all the way to the bank!
What else?
They have launched an economic offensive...influx of cheap Chinese products that are threatening the survival of local manufacturing units. Then they will use their influence to destabilize our border - aside from the Kashmir, where they are using Pakistan, they have occupied Indian territory, which is a thorn they can use to hurt us.
I have heard talk of them diverting the waters of the Ganges by claiming their right over it as they have Tibet.
Imagine what would happen if the river was diverted from flowing through India! And in Nepal, Maoists rebels have already taken control of over one-third the territory!No prizes for guessing who could be funding them and where they could start trouble next! Does it take a genius to figure out what keeps the Burmese Military Junta in power in spite of its isolation from the rest of the world for decades? China has many options available and they will use them. Everything will be covert of course, and it will be 'Indi-Chini bhai-bhai' on the surface!
What can we do?
Only a strong and visionary leader can galvanize India and steer it on course. With none in sight and the existing lot seemingly afflicted with myopia, I guess we don't have much choice but to make an independent call on how to deal with the instability that lies ahead!

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